Abraxus's Blog

DiceCTF flagle Write Up


Jeopardy style CTF

Category: Reverse Engineering

Write up:

When we open the link that they provided we can see that the website is a game similar to the popular game wordle. Messing with the page a bit you can see that each of the 6 blocks takes in a maximum of 5 characters:


Looking at the code of the index.html we see the following script:

    const guess = Module.cwrap('guess', 'number', ['number', 'string']);
    const CORRECT = 0;
    const WRONG_LOCATION = 1;
    const INCORRECT = 2;

    const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~";

    const get_input = (guess_idx, letter_idx) => {
        return document.querySelector(`[data-guess="${guess_idx}"][data-letter="${letter_idx}"]`)

    const keydown_listener = (e) => {
        const target = e.target;
        const guess_idx = +target.dataset.guess;
        const letter_idx = +target.dataset.letter;

        if (e.modifiers?.length > 0) {

        if (e.key.length === 1 && !alphabet.includes(e.key)) {
            return false;

        if (e.key === "Backspace" && target.value.length === 0 && letter_idx > 1) {
            get_input(guess_idx, letter_idx - 1).focus();
        } else if (e.key === "Delete" && target.value.length === 0 && letter_idx < 6) {
            const elem = get_input(guess_idx, letter_idx + 1);
            elem.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
            return false;
        } else if (e.key.length === 1 && target.value.length === 5 && letter_idx < 6) {
            get_input(guess_idx, letter_idx + 1).focus();
        } else if (e.key === "Enter") {

    let current_guess = 1;
    const guess_button = document.getElementById('guess-button');

    const submit_guess = () => {
        let correct = 0;
        let input_text = '';
        for (let i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
            const el = get_input(current_guess, i);

            const guess_val = el.value;
            input_text += guess_val;

            const result = guess(i, guess_val);
            console.log(result, guess_val, i, guess_val);
            if (result === CORRECT) {
                if (current_guess < 6) {
                    const next = get_input(current_guess + 1, i);
                    next.value = guess_val;
            } else if (result === WRONG_LOCATION) {
            } else if (result === INCORRECT) {

            el.disabled = true;
            el.removeEventListener('keydown', keydown_listener);

        if (correct === 6) {
            prompt('Congrats! Here\'s your flag:', input_text);

        if (current_guess > 6) {
            guess_button.disabled = true;
        } else {
    guess_button.onclick = submit_guess;

    const init_guess = () => {
        for (let i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
            const el = get_input(current_guess, i);
            if (!el.classList.contains('correct'))
                el.disabled = false;
            el.addEventListener('keydown', keydown_listener);

From this we know that we need to find a function named guess and we need to start reversing that function. In the flag-checker.js we can see var _guess = Module["_guess"] = createExportWrapper("guess"); and right below that we can also see that this was compiled by emscripten. This means that we need to look at the wasm file.

After downloading the .wasm file we need to decompile it, I chose to do this using wabt. The first step for this was to decode from base64 which it was downloaded to:

cat flag-checker.wasm | base64 -d >> b64-flag-checker.wasm

Then after that I ran the decompiler:

./wasm-decompile b64-flag-checker.wasm -o out.wasm

Opening out.wasm I see the following:

export memory memory(initial: 256, max: 256);

global g_a:int = 5244000;
global g_b:int = 0;
global g_c:int = 0;

export table indirect_function_table:funcref(min: 1, max: 1);

data d_a(offset: 1024) = "dice{\00";
data d_b(offset: 1030) = "";

import function env_validate_4(a:int):int;

export function wasm_call_ctors() {

export function a():int {
  return 1684628325

export function streq(a:ubyte_ptr, b:ubyte_ptr):int {
  var c:int;
  return loop L_a {
           c = a[0];
           if (c) goto B_b;
           if (b[0]) goto B_b;
           return 1;
           label B_b:
           if (c == b[0]) goto B_c;
           return 0;
           label B_c:
           b = b + 1;
           a = a + 1;
           continue L_a;

export function validate_1(a:int):int {
  return streq(a, 1024)

function validate(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = g_a - 16;
  f[15]:byte = a;
  f[14]:byte = b;
  f[13]:byte = c;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[14]:ubyte;
  f[14]:byte = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[12]:ubyte;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[15]:ubyte;
  f[15]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[12]:ubyte;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[15]:ubyte;
  f[15]:byte = f[14]:ubyte;
  f[14]:byte = d;
  d = 0;
  if (f[15]:ubyte != 51) goto B_a;
  if (f[14]:ubyte != 108) goto B_a;
  if (f[13]:ubyte != 33) goto B_a;
  d = e == 68 & f[12]:ubyte == 70;
  label B_a:
  return d;

export function validate_3(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = 0;
  if (b * a != 4800) goto B_a;
  if (c + a != 178) goto B_a;
  if (c + b != 126) goto B_a;
  if (d * c != 9126) goto B_a;
  if (d - e != 62) goto B_a;
  f = c * 4800 - e * d == 367965;
  label B_a:
  return f;

export function validate_5(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = g_a - 16;
  f[15]:byte = a;
  f[14]:byte = b;
  f[13]:byte = c;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  f[15]:byte = f[15]:ubyte + 12;
  f[14]:byte = f[14]:ubyte + 4;
  f[13]:byte = f[13]:ubyte + 6;
  f[12]:byte = f[12]:ubyte + 2;
  d = 0;
  if (f[15]:ubyte != 121) goto B_a;
  if (f[14]:ubyte != 68) goto B_a;
  if (f[13]:ubyte != 126) goto B_a;
  d = e == 77 & f[12]:ubyte == 35;
  label B_a:
  return d;

export function validate_6(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = 0;
  if ((b + 2933) * (a + 1763) != 5483743) goto B_a;
  f = e == 125 & (d + 1546) * (c + 3913) == 6431119;
  label B_a:
  return f;

export function guess(a:int, b:int):int {
  var c:int = g_a - 16;
  g_a = c;
  var d:int = 2;
  if (f_k(b) != 5) goto B_a;
  if (eqz(streq(b, 1024))) goto B_b;
  d = a != 1;
  goto B_a;
  label B_b:
  var e:int = b[4]:ubyte;
  d = b[3]:ubyte;
  var f:int = b[2]:ubyte;
  var g:int = b[1]:ubyte;
  c[11]:byte = b[0]:ubyte;
  c[10]:byte = g;
  c[9]:byte = f;
  c[8]:byte = d;
  d = c[10]:ubyte;
  c[10]:byte = c[9]:ubyte;
  c[9]:byte = d;
  d = c[9]:ubyte;
  c[9]:byte = c[8]:ubyte;
  c[8]:byte = d;
  d = c[9]:ubyte;
  c[9]:byte = c[11]:ubyte;
  c[11]:byte = d;
  d = c[9]:ubyte;
  c[9]:byte = c[8]:ubyte;
  c[8]:byte = d;
  d = c[11]:ubyte;
  c[11]:byte = c[10]:ubyte;
  c[10]:byte = d;
  if (c[11]:ubyte != 51) goto B_c;
  if (c[10]:ubyte != 108) goto B_c;
  if (c[9]:ubyte != 33) goto B_c;
  d = c[8]:ubyte;
  if ((e & 255) != 68) goto B_c;
  if ((d & 255) != 70) goto B_c;
  d = a != 2;
  goto B_a;
  label B_c:
  f = b[1]:byte;
  if (f * (d = b[0]:byte) != 4800) goto B_d;
  g = b[2]:byte;
  if (g + d != 178) goto B_d;
  if (g + f != 126) goto B_d;
  if (g * (d = b[3]:byte) != 9126) goto B_d;
  if (d - (f = b[4]:byte) != 62) goto B_d;
  if (g * 4800 - f * d != 367965) goto B_d;
  d = a != 3;
  goto B_a;
  label B_d:
  if (eqz(env_validate_4(b))) goto B_e;
  d = a != 4;
  goto B_a;
  label B_e:
  var h:int = b[4]:ubyte;
  g = b[3]:byte;
  e = b[2]:byte;
  f = b[1]:byte;
  c[15]:byte = (b = b[0]:byte);
  c[14]:byte = f;
  c[13]:byte = e;
  c[12]:byte = g;
  c[15]:byte = c[15]:ubyte + 12;
  c[14]:byte = c[14]:ubyte + 4;
  c[13]:byte = c[13]:ubyte + 6;
  c[12]:byte = c[12]:ubyte + 2;
  if (c[15]:ubyte != 121) goto B_f;
  if (c[14]:ubyte != 68) goto B_f;
  if (c[13]:ubyte != 126) goto B_f;
  d = c[12]:ubyte;
  if ((h & 255) != 77) goto B_f;
  if ((d & 255) != 35) goto B_f;
  d = a != 5;
  goto B_a;
  label B_f:
  d = 2;
  if ((f + 2933) * (b + 1763) != 5483743) goto B_a;
  if ((h & 255) != 125) goto B_a;
  if ((g + 1546) * (e + 3913) != 6431119) goto B_a;
  d = a != 6;
  label B_a:
  g_a = c + 16;
  return d;

function f_k(a:int):int {
  var d:int;
  var c:int;
  var b:ubyte_ptr = a;
  if (eqz(a & 3)) goto B_b;
  b = a;
  loop L_c {
    if (eqz(b[0])) goto B_a;
    b = b + 1;
    if (b & 3) continue L_c;
  label B_b:
  loop L_d {
    c = b;
    b = c + 4;
    d = c[0]:int;
    if (eqz(((d ^ -1) & d + -16843009) & -2139062144)) continue L_d;
  if (d & 255) goto B_e;
  return c - a;
  label B_e:
  loop L_f {
    d = c[1]:ubyte;
    b = c + 1;
    c = b;
    if (d) continue L_f;
  label B_a:
  return b - a;

export function stackSave():int {
  return g_a

export function stackRestore(a:int) {
  g_a = a

export function stackAlloc(a:int):int {
  var b:int = g_a - a & -16;
  g_a = b;
  return b;

export function emscripten_stack_init() {
  g_c = 5244000;
  g_b = 1112 + 15 & -16;

export function emscripten_stack_get_free():int {
  return g_a - g_b

export function emscripten_stack_get_end():int {
  return g_b

export function errno_location():int {
  return 1096

function f_s(a:int) {

function f(a:int) {

function f_u():int {
  return 1104;

function f_v() {

function f_w(a:int):int {
  return 1

function f_x(a:int) {

export function fflush(a:int):int {
  var c:int;
  var b:int;
  var d:int;
  if (a) goto B_a;
  b = 0;
  if (eqz(0[277]:int)) goto B_b;
  b = fflush(0[277]:int);
  label B_b:
  if (eqz(0[277]:int)) goto B_c;
  b = fflush(0[277]:int) | b;
  label B_c:
  a = f_u()[0]:int;
  if (eqz(a)) goto B_d;
  loop L_e {
    c = 0;
    if (a[19]:int < 0) goto B_f;
    c = f_w(a);
    label B_f:
    if (a[5]:int == a[7]:int) goto B_g;
    b = fflush(a) | b;
    label B_g:
    if (eqz(c)) goto B_h;
    label B_h:
    a = a[14]:int;
    if (a) continue L_e;
  label B_d:
  return b;
  label B_a:
  c = 0;
  if (a[19]:int < 0) goto B_i;
  c = f_w(a);
  label B_i:
  if (a[5]:int == a[7]:int) goto B_l;
  call_indirect(a, 0, 0, a[9]:int);
  if (a[5]:int) goto B_l;
  b = -1;
  if (c) goto B_k;
  goto B_j;
  label B_l:
  b = a[1]:int;
  if (b == (d = a[2]:int)) goto B_m;
  call_indirect(a, i64_extend_i32_s(b - d), 1, a[10]:int);
  label B_m:
  b = 0;
  a[7]:int = 0;
  a[2]:long = 0L;
  a[1]:long@4 = 0L;
  if (eqz(c)) goto B_j;
  label B_k:
  label B_j:
  return b;

Here we see a lot of functions as well as guess, I decided to focus on the 6 validation functions:

export function validate_1(a:int):int {
  return streq(a, 1024)

The first validation function seems to do some string equals function with what we are given and the data at offset 1024 which we can see is equal to "dice{"

data d_a(offset: 1024) = "dice{\00";

After that it was time to move to the second validation function:

function validate(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = g_a - 16;
  f[15]:byte = a;
  f[14]:byte = b;
  f[13]:byte = c;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[14]:ubyte;
  f[14]:byte = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[12]:ubyte;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[15]:ubyte;
  f[15]:byte = d;
  d = f[13]:ubyte;
  f[13]:byte = f[12]:ubyte;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  d = f[15]:ubyte;
  f[15]:byte = f[14]:ubyte;
  f[14]:byte = d;
  d = 0;
  if (f[15]:ubyte != 51) goto B_a;
  if (f[14]:ubyte != 108) goto B_a;
  if (f[13]:ubyte != 33) goto B_a;
  d = e == 68 & f[12]:ubyte == 70;
  label B_a:
  return d;

This function takes in the 5 characters, shuffles them around a bit, and then compares them against several values. We know that e is the last character so we know that the last value in our 5 character array is 68. Following all the assignments we can figure out that the other values, in order, are: [70, 33, 51, 108, 68] or as ascii characters, F!3lD.

Now we can move on to the third validation function:

export function validate_3(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = 0;
  if (b * a != 4800) goto B_a;
  if (c + a != 178) goto B_a;
  if (c + b != 126) goto B_a;
  if (d * c != 9126) goto B_a;
  if (d - e != 62) goto B_a;
  f = c * 4800 - e * d == 367965;
  label B_a:
  return f;

This function also takes in 5 characters and performs some checks based on operations with each other. This makes this function a perfect candidate for using Z3py so I started setting up a script with the constraints for this function and the values I found in the earlier validation functions:

from z3 import *

v1 = "dice{"

v2 = [70, 33, 51, 108, 68]

a3 = Int("a3")
b3 = Int("b3")
c3 = Int("c3")
d3 = Int("e3")
e3 = Int("d3")

s = Solver()

s.add(b3 * a3 == 4800)
s.add(c3 + a3 == 178)
s.add(c3 + b3 == 126)
s.add(d3 * c3 == 9126)
s.add(d3 - e3 == 62)
s.add((c3 * 4800) - (e3 * d3) == 367965)

I then decided to continue on to the next validation function:

import function env_validate_4(a:int):int;

This function seemed to call a function that wasn't in the wasm so I looked around and found it in the flag-checker.js which then called a function called c from script.js:

function validate_4(a){ return c(UTF8ToString(a)) == 0 ? 0 : 1; }
function c(b) {
    var e = {
            'HLPDd': function(g, h) {
                return g === h;
            'tIDVT': function(g, h) {
                return g(h);
            'QIMdf': function(g, h) {
                return g - h;
            'FIzyt': 'int',
            'oRXGA': function(g, h) {
                return g << h;
            'AMINk': function(g, h) {
                return g & h;
        f = current_guess;
    try {
        let g = e['HLPDd'](btoa(e['tIDVT'](intArrayToString, window[b](b[e['QIMdf'](f, 0x26f4 + 0x1014 + -0x3707 * 0x1)], e['FIzyt'])()['toString'](e['oRXGA'](e['AMINk'](f, -0x1a3 * -0x15 + 0x82e * -0x1 + -0x1a2d), 0x124d + -0x1aca + 0x87f))['match'](/.{2}/g)['map'](h => parseInt(h, f * f)))), 'ZGljZQ==') ? -0x1 * 0x1d45 + 0x2110 + -0x3ca : -0x9 * 0x295 + -0x15 * -0x3 + 0x36 * 0x6d;
    } catch {
        return 0x1b3c + -0xc9 * 0x2f + -0x19 * -0x63;

This function was pretty ugly so I started off by cleaning up the function. I did this by first taking all of the long calculations and simplifying them, then I renamed the array access to be "functions":

function Func(b) {
    var e = {
            'HLPDd': functionA(g, h) {
                return g === h;
            'tIDVT': functionB(g, h) {
                return g(h);
            'QIMdf': functionC(g, h) {
                return g - h;
            'FIzyt': 'int',
            'oRXGA': functionD(g, h) {
                return g << h;
            'AMINk': functionE(g, h) {
                return g & h;
        f = current_guess;
    try {
        let g = functionA(btoa(functionB(intArrayToString, window[b](b[functionC(f, 1)], 'int')()['toString'](functionD(functionE(f, 4), 2))['match'](/.{2}/g)['map'](h => parseInt(h, f * f)))), 'ZGljZQ==') ? 1 : 0;
    } catch {
        return 0;

I then cleaned this up by evaluating some of the functions:

This cleaned up the code to:

btoa(intArrayToString(window[b](b[3], 'int')()['toString'](16)['match'](/.{2}/g)['map'](h => parseInt(h, 16)))) === 'ZGljZQ=='

Earlier when I was looking through the wasm I had noticed a function named a that returned dice:

export function a():int {
  return 1684628325

This meant that I would need to call this function somehow so whatever b was needed to have 'a' as its 4th character. b also needed to be a function in window that only had 5 characters. I then wrote the following snippet to find all the possible values:

Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window).filter(x=> {if (x.length == 5 && x[3] == 'a') console.log(x)})

When run in the browser this gave me the following options:


The only function that took two parameters from the above was cwrap. I then tried checking if this was right in the flag checker, but since it was dependent on what guess it only showed as correct on the fourth guess:

Fourth Guess

After this I moved on to the 5th validation function:

export function validate_5(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = g_a - 16;
  f[15]:byte = a;
  f[14]:byte = b;
  f[13]:byte = c;
  f[12]:byte = d;
  f[15]:byte = f[15]:ubyte + 12;
  f[14]:byte = f[14]:ubyte + 4;
  f[13]:byte = f[13]:ubyte + 6;
  f[12]:byte = f[12]:ubyte + 2;
  d = 0;
  if (f[15]:ubyte != 121) goto B_a;
  if (f[14]:ubyte != 68) goto B_a;
  if (f[13]:ubyte != 126) goto B_a;
  d = e == 77 & f[12]:ubyte == 35;
  label B_a:
  return d;

This was like the second validation function so we just needed to get the values once again, for this part of the flag it was m@x!M.

And finally I moved to the final validation function:

export function validate_6(a:int, b:int, c:int, d:int, e:int):int {
  var f:int = 0;
  if ((b + 2933) * (a + 1763) != 5483743) goto B_a;
  f = e == 125 & (d + 1546) * (c + 3913) == 6431119;
  label B_a:
  return f;

For this I once again had to make some Z3 constraints:

s.add((b6 + 2933) * (a6 + 1763) == 5483743)
s.add((d6 + 1546) * (c6 + 3913) == 6431119)
s.add(e6 == 125)

s.add(a6 > 32)
s.add(a6 < 127)
s.add(b6 > 32)
s.add(b6 < 127)
s.add(c6 > 32)
s.add(c6 < 127)
s.add(d6 > 32)
s.add(d6 < 127)
s.add(e6 > 32)
s.add(e6 < 127)

Once I had all the components I finished my script:

from z3 import *

# v1 
v1 = "dice{"

# v2
v2 = [70, 33, 51, 108, 68]

# initialize solver
s = Solver()

# v3 values
a3 = Int("a3")
b3 = Int("b3")
c3 = Int("c3")
d3 = Int("e3")
e3 = Int("d3")

# v3 constraints
s.add(b3 * a3 == 4800)
s.add(c3 + a3 == 178)
s.add(c3 + b3 == 126)
s.add(d3 * c3 == 9126)
s.add(d3 - e3 == 62)
s.add((c3 * 4800) - (e3 * d3) == 367965)

# v4
v4 = 'cwrap'

# v5
v5 = "m@x!M"

# v6 values
a6 = Int("a6")
b6 = Int("b6")
c6 = Int("c6")
d6 = Int("e6")
e6 = Int("d6")

# v6 constraints
s.add((b6 + 2933) * (a6 + 1763) == 5483743)
s.add((d6 + 1546) * (c6 + 3913) == 6431119)
s.add(e6 == 125)

# v6 character bounds check
s.add(a6 > 32)
s.add(a6 < 127)
s.add(b6 > 32)
s.add(b6 < 127)
s.add(c6 > 32)
s.add(c6 < 127)
s.add(d6 > 32)
s.add(d6 < 127)
s.add(e6 > 32)
s.add(e6 < 127)

# check our contraints

# get the model
m = s.model()

# Get the v3 values
v3 = ''
for i in [a3, b3, c3, d3, e3]:
    v3 += chr(int(str(m[i])))

# Get the v6 values
v6 = ''
for i in [a6, b6, c6, d6, e6]:
    v6 += chr(int(str(m[i])))

# Add all of the flag parts together
flag = v1 + ''.join([chr(i) for i in v2]) + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6

# print the flag

When run I got:
